* In the 1950s, was the leader of a group that conducted hundreds of terrorist activities, such as putting bombs in theaters, nightclubs, busy streets, and guerrilla warfare.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has ruled a country as the sole dictator, a tyrant, no elections, no independent government branches, with basically all power, and decisions, resting on him.

* Since 1959 up to date, his government has imprisoned over 200,000 persons, for political reasons, and in trials with no judicial fairness at all.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has killed over 14,000 in firing squads.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has confiscated, with no legality, and no compensation, all of the country’s privately owned companies, farms, retail stores, small businesses, service related firms.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has confiscated all houses, apartments.

* Since 1959 up to date, he confiscated all private schools, all universities.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has persecuted religious groups. He has limited the religious activities to a minimum. No religious schools, no space for religious groups in the media, no outside church activities at all.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has not allowed a free press, confiscating all newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has suppressed al basic human rights for the people of the country he rules. There is no single article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that has not been violated and suppressed.

* Since 1959 up to date, all economic indexes have declined in the country. No houses, no water, no electricity, no transport system.

* Since 1959 up to date, over one million persons have been forced to live the country, and seek asylum.

* Since 1959 up to date, more than 50,000 persons have died in the Florida Strait trying to escape from the country he rules.

* Since 1989 up to date, nationals of the country have been discriminated completely by not being allowed in resorts, hospitals, and stores, dedicated only to foreigners.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has conducted illegal wars in, among other countries, Angola, Ethiopia, Congo, South Africa, El Salvador, Honduras, Colombia, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has given support, training, logistic assistance to terrorist groups.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has given asylum and protection to terrorists.

* Since 1959 up to date, he has been allied to many terrorist nations. The country he rules is classified as a terrorist country.

* Since 1986 up to date, the country he rules has the capacity to develop biological weapons.

* Since 1997 up to date, the country he rules has the capacity to conduct cyber-warfare.

* Since 1975 up to date, over 35 spies from the country he rules have been convicted or expelled from the United States. Do you know who he is? You should: Fidel Castro. Isn’t it time to end his regime?

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